Advantages of the Hydrom

Advantages of the Hydrom

Oct 17, 2021


Tjorben Eberle

When it comes to hydrometers, you want to make sure that you can find something that is going to be effective and efficient in measuring the specific gravity of the liquid that is going to be fermented. These devices have been around for a while, but most of them do not have the required features and accuracy that is needed in the modern hobby brewery.
Sometimes a product can come along and completely eclipse the other existing options and Hydrom has become the ultimate hydrometer for those who seek optimal results from their investment. This is the reason why we find it essential to give you some of the main reasons why this hydrometer should be your choice for your brew setup.
How does Hydrom stand out from the existing devices?
One of the most evident advantages that come from the use of the Hydrom is the practical standalone use as a measuring instrument. With that said, it can also be integrated into a network and this is possible without the need for any extra hardware to be added.
The Hydrom was designed to support three different types of transmission protocols:

  • MQTT: This is the lightest form of communication that allows for bandwidth requirements to be at a bare minimum. It is ideal for machine-to-machine communication to take place smoothly.
  • HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol allows for communication to take place and for data to be delivered fast
  • TCP: Transmission Control Protocol is the standard for all communications that happen within a network.

A short calibration phase makes the Hydrom
This device uses a very powerful and simple calibration tool that is extremely reliable. The tool comes with a wizard that is going to provide a step-by-step guide on how to conduct the calibration process. This makes it extremely user-friendly and it avoids complicated tasks.
Hydrom is also going to provide firmware updates via the web interface and this is a truly unique feature that is not available in other options. With that said, the other options provided by Hydrom can be found in other devices, but not in a single device as a one-solution-fits-all investment.
For example, only Hydrom and Tilt offer Bluetooth connections, just as only Hydrom and iSpindel provide support for various cloud solutions without the need for any extra hardware to be added. In the same way, only Hydrom and iSpindel offer a web interface for settings.
This means that Hydrom is the only Hydrometer in the market right now that offers all the required features for a reliable outcome. That makes it the most reliable and efficient product that can help you make this process easier and much more effective.

The advantages and features are:

  • Calibration Wizard
  • Wlan (client mode)
  • Wlan (access point mode)
  • Bluetooth
  • Custom MQTT-Messages
  • Custom HTTP-Messages
  • Custom TCP-Messages
  • Soldered and programmed product
  • Various cloud services are supported (without extra hardware)
  • Local Network Solution possible
  • Web interface for Settings
  • Firmware update via web interface
  • No obligation to cloud

No constraints with cloud solutions
One of the most appealing aspects of the Hydrom is the fact that it is not tied to any specific cloud solution. This is extremely important as it allows the buyer to keep using the device regardless of the cloud solutions used.
Power consumption is kept to a minimum
Another excellent feature of this particular solution is that it offers a high tech microcontroller that helps reduce the amount of energy that is consumed by the device. It also offers a second battery which is something that is not found in any of the other existing devices. Battery power is always a critical and very important aspect to consider.
The disadvantages of other modern hydrometers
In most cases, the hardware you purchase for this purpose is not going to be owned by you/your business. It will usually be owned by the cloud provider and the price of the service is likely to be much higher than expected.
In most cases, the stability of the internet connection is going to be crucial for the device to work and this is going to create serious setbacks if the connection suffers from any downtime regardless of how short it is. This is a common scenario in many areas.
Final thoughts
Now that you have a better idea of the clear advantages offered by the Hydrom, it makes perfect sense to consider this purchase in order to ensure the highest quality measurements with the best connectivity and cloud independence.
This product is designed, programmed, assembled, and tested in Germany.


  • Jon Parsons

    Impossible to set up! I have been trying for 3 days to try and get the thing to work what a waste of money!!!@

  • Anatolii

    Есть ли у вас видео на YouTube, показывающее его в действии, например, настройку и функции в действии?

  • Otto

    Hallo, mit der iSpindel konnte man nicht unter Druck vergären. Geht das mit dem hydrom? Hält es 2 Bar und mehr aus?

  • Rick

    Do you have a youtub video showing it in action like set up and the features in action ?

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